I don’t need to read Men Are Like Waffles--Women Are Like Spaghetti to know that my husband and I are two people operating with two very different minds. An example is in order: I chopped 5 inches of hair off my head not long after we got married. I sat in the swivel chair telling my stylist that I can’t wait for my husband to see my new look and blah blah blah…” So when I picked him up from work that night and he didn’t mention my hair immediately or even at all, the steam began to pour out of my ears like a boiling tea kettle. I finally asked him, “DIDN’T YOU NOTICE I CUT MY HAIR, LIKE ALMOST HALF A FOOT??” He hadn’t. Now I preface all hair cuts with “babe, I am cutting my hair today and when I pick you up from work, I would like for you to notice and compliment me right away.” This is not to say that my husband lacks observation skills. He is far more observant than me. Another example is in order: I sent him a picture of a bird’s eye-close up view of the inside of my empty starbucks cup. His challenge was to name the mystery item. Within two minutes he sent me this- “It’s the bottom of a condensed paper coffee cup. You can see the coffee grinds in the picture. Also the identifying line in the top right of the pic making it a paper cup and not a Styrofoam one that comes in one solid piece.” Say whaaat? I couldn’t do that, telling you right now. What’s the point in this? Don’t underestimate my fella for not having the observation skills of a woman because he is not a woman, he is a man, and he has his own set of skills that are impressive in their own right.
~Mrs. P