Happy Easter!
1. He gets a “good morning!” kiss whether I have brushed my teeth or not
2. I don’t feel the urge to wear perfume or fragranty stuff all the time to impress him, but I still wear deodorant so that’s a plus
3. Speaking of deodorant, I let him pick out the one I currently use because I trust his judgment and he is surprisingly picky about that sort of thing
4. I don’t wear sweats excessively (marriage books-let out your collective sigh of relief) but I also don’t feel obligated to look perfectly put together when we are just hanging out at home
5. My money/your money-thing of the past, having a joint account is simpler and unifying in our marriage
6. Hypothetical parenting conversations have changed from “if we ever have a kid” to “when we have a kid”
7. Praying together gets better and better the longer we are together
8. I am calmer about stuff that used to really bug me, like his pile (see our first top ten list). That just makes me laugh now, especially when he covers it with a pillow and thinks that solves the problem
9. I don’t have to be in control of every little detail. It is pretty freeing to say “it’s up to you” “whatever you like is fine with me” “how about you handle that?”
10. I have resigned myself to the fact that I cannot hold in certain bodily functions 24/7, sometimes things are going to slip out and it doesn’t bother him, usually it elicits a cheer or something embarrassing like that.
~Mrs. P
1. I never thought that I would be one to go to the bathroom with someone else in there, but desperate times calls for desperate measures.
2. “Mine” is very quickly and easily becoming “ours,” our IPod, our car, our books, our money.
3. I on the other hand get home and throw on basketball shorts ASAP. Oops!
4. Danielle was unfortunately under the impression that I was one of the rare men who do not fart all the time, Since being married I have proved her wrong. (Can’t win them all)
5. When I’m sick, I can’t just say that I can’t go out with you this week, She gets to hear all the sights, sounds and smells that come along with it.
6. I don’t hide pulling my nose hairs, instead I do it till I get caught and then she helps me find the more elusive ones.
7. Yes, brushing my teeth does include scrubbing my tongue until I gag, that way I know its clean.
8. I am a lot more comfortable when I drive! I’m not controlling, I swear.
9. She thought that I was weird and quirky before we got married, but since then, I have so many different characters, voices, and faces that they are all slowly but surely becoming named.
10. Sleeping next to someone was very awkward at first, but now I can’t sleep unless she is there even if I have to wait for her to come back at 2 in the morning from a concert in LA.
~Mr. P